Stuart Scott was known for catch phrases, flawless presentation, and bringing the urban outlook on sports for the entire world to see. He made SportsCenter more theatre than anything else, and I'd watch 1, 2, 3 shows in a row to laugh and be entertained by his countless list of quotable jargon that still lives in the sports vernacular today.
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I'm a big fans of the ESPN 30 for 30 films. In fact, I think they are some of the best documentaries on tv...
View full article →Ever listen to Lifestyle by Young Thug and wonder what the heck he just said? Check out these interpretations from New Yorkers via Complex and judge for yourself.
View full article →25 Factoids from the Pulp Fiction I bet you didn't know.
View full article →Still waiting on the Detox album from Dre? Chances are you'll continue to wait. It's possible you'll be 30 years older before you'll ever be able to bump that according to Dawaun Parker, a producer for Aftermath. Check out what he says about Dre's plan for his next album.
So wait, Tecmo Bowl is not Number 1? released a top 10 sports video games of all time list. Number 1 is definitely solid. I mean I'm not going to argue with it, but come on Tecmo Bowl is the greatest game of all times (In my Kanye West Voice). These clowns didn't even have it in their top 10! No Tecmo Bowl, no Double Dribble, no Lakers vs. Celtics! This is an outrage! Oh well, judge for yourself. Warning, if you're a current gamer, or old school like me, you are sure to be disappointed with the list. Long live Bo Jackson and the impossible to stop sweep play!
At 3am, get in your car. Put this song on. Find a highway. One with a really long stretch of road, where the lights line up overhead for miles. Notice how the lights are so bright that you mind starts to think that it is day time, but you know better. You know you know better.
When the song is over call your ex, the one that you've been thinking about, and tell them how badly you screwed everything up.
Watch as DJ Jazzy Jeff Kills The Do Over!!!
You might only remember Jeff getting thrown out of the house week end and week out by Uncle Phil on the classic show The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, but what you may not have realized is that DJ Jazzy Jeff is by far one of the dopiest dj's ever! I've been watching videos like this for years, and figured I'd share the love. Bet you can't get through this video without bobbing your head like crazy!
The little freestyle at the end by Mad Skillz is just an added bonus. If there's a definition for Hella Original in a musical sense, Dj Jazzy Jeff is it!
Nas is hitting the big screen! Check out the trailer! I might be the first one in line for this one.
Can I Be Successful After 40?
Some will tell you that if you didn't get an early start in _______ industry it's impossible to break through. No way you could be successful after 40 right? No way you could follow your passions, and make your mark after you hit the big four zero huh? Well for all those who believe they can do whatever they put their minds too no matter what their age, we respectfully submit this piece of inspiration!